ehemalige Teammitglieder
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter

Former Academic Staff
M.Sc. Ioannis Arampatzidis
- Email:
- ioannis.arampatzidis (at)
- Homepage:
Curriculum Vitae:
Akademische Grade:
- 2019 - PhD in Economicx, Department of Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- 2016 - 2018, Msc in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, Greece
- 2011 - 2016, Bsc in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, Greece
Beruflicher Werdegang:
- Since October 2020, University of Duisburg Essen, Research and Teaching Assistant at the Chair of International Economic Relations (Prof. Dr. Volker Clausen)
- Since October 2019, Ruhr Graduate School in Economics, PhD Candidate
- February – June 2018, Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, University of Macedonia (Prof. Dr. Theodore Panagiotidis)
Honours and Awards:
2019 Recipient of one-year scholarship for doctorate studies, Ruhr Graduate School in Economics.
2018 Award for achieving an all-time high GPA (to date) in the history of the MSc in Economics, University of Macedonia.
2017 Recipient of full scholarship (tuition waiver) for outstanding performance in the MSc in Economics, University of Macedonia.
2016 Recipient of one-semester scholarship (tuition waiver) in the MSc in Economics for outstanding performance in the BSc in Economics, University of Macedonia.
Fields of Research:
Energy Economics
Applied Macroeconomics
- Arampatzidis, I.; Panagiotidis, Th.: On the identification of the oil-stock market relationship. In: Economic Modelling (2023) No 120. doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2022.106157CitationDetails
- Arampatzidis, I.; Dergiades, Th.; Kaufmann, R. K.; Panagiotidis, Th.: Oil and the U.S. stock market: Implications for low carbon policies. In: Energy Economics (2021) No 103. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2021.105588Full textCitationDetails
Reviewing and consulting activities:
Referee in International Journals
Energy Economics, Economic Modelling, Economic Change and Restructuring, Journal of Economics and Finance
SoFiE Financial Econometrics Summer School, The Econometrics of Mixed Frequency (Big) Data, NYU Shanghai, August 2020
6th PhD Meeting in Economics, University of Macedonia, Greece, July 2018
2020 – Supervision of Master theses, University of Duisburg-Essen.
2022 – 2024 Quantitative Models of International Economics (MSc) (Tutorials in R), for Prof. Volker Clausen.
2021 – 2024 International Capital Movements (MSc) (Tutorials in R), for Prof. Volker Clausen.
Spring, 2018 Applied Econometrics (MSc) (Tutorials in R/Eviews), for Prof. Theodore Panagiotidis.
Member of RGS Econ
Academic Duties:
2024 Coordinator: 18th Ruhr Graduate Summer School: Economic Analysis of Net-Zero Emissions Policies Using GAMS and MPSGE, October 7-11 2024, Essen, Germany.
2023 Coordinator: 17th Ruhr Graduate Summer School: Trade Policy Analysis with GAMS and MPSGE, September 18-22 2023, Essen, Germany.
2022 Coordinator: 16th Ruhr Graduate Summer School: Economic Impact Assessment of Energy and Climate Policies using GAMS and MPSGE, September 26-30 2022, Essen, Germany.
Other Duties:
Presentations at Conferences
2024 European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS) 22nd Annual Conference, June 2024, Athens, Greece.
2023 Macro Research Meetings, November 2023, Ghent, Belgium.
2023 Workshop on expectations and sentiments for energy price dynamics, October 2023, Berlin, Germany.
2023 7th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance (AMEF), April 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2022 RGS Jamboree 2022, October 2022, Essen, Germany.
2022 VfS Annual Conference: Big Data in Economics, September 2022, Basel, Switzerland.
2021 Memorial event for Prof. Dr. Ansgar Belke, December 2021, Essen, Germany.
2021 RGS Jamboree 2021, November 2021, Essen, Germany.
2018 6th PhD Meeting in Economics, July 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Attendance of Summer Schools
2023 17th Ruhr Graduate Summer School: Trade Policy Analysis with GAMS and MPSGE, September 18-22 2023, Essen, Germany. Instructors: Prof. Christoph Böhringer and Prof. Volker Clausen.
2022 16th Ruhr Graduate Summer School: Economic Impact Assessment of Energy and Climate Policies using GAMS and MPSGE, September 26-30 2022, Essen, Germany. Instructors: Prof. Christoph Böhringer and Prof. Volker Clausen.
2021 Barcelona GSE Summer School: Bayesian Time Series Methods: Advanced, July 5-9 2021, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. Instructor: Prof. Andrea Carriero.
2021 Barcelona GSE Summer School: Bayesian Time Series Methods: Introductory, June 28-July 2 2021, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. Instructor: Prof. Gary Koop.
2020 SoFiE Financial Econometrics Summer School: The Econometrics of Mixed Frequency (Big) Data, August 24-28 2020, NYU Shanghai (Online). Instructors: Prof. Eric Ghysels and Prof. Andrii Babii.