ehemalige Teammitglieder
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Erstanstellung nach Promotion: CGE Modellierer bei der Weltbank
Trägerin des Olga-Radzyner Preises 2015
Akademische Ausbildung:
- Oktober 2010 - Dezember 2016: Promotionsstudentin, Universität Duisburg-Essen
- September 2010 : Master of Science in Volkswirtschaftslehre, Masterarbeit: Effects of trade liberalization between the EU and Ukraine in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model
- April 2008 - September 2010 : Universität Duisburg-Essen: Masterstudium in Volkswirtschaftslehre
- Juli 2007: Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (with Thesis), Volyner Lessya Ukrainka Nationaluniversität, Ukraine
Summer Schools:
- März 2013: 13th Workshop on Economic Modeling (WEM), Computable General Equilibrium Analysis using GTAPinGAMS and New New Trade Theory, Las Palmas, Spain
- März 2012: 12th Workshop on Economic Modeling (WEM), Appllied General Equilibrium Analysis of Trade and Climate Polices Using GAMS and GTAP, Las Palmas, Spain.
- Juli 2011: EcoMod Modeling School, Advanced Techniques in General Equilibrium Modeling with GAMS, Brussels, Belgium.
- März 2011: 7th Ruhr Graduate Summer School, Overlapping Regulation in Energy and Climate Policy with GAMS and MPSGE, Essen.
- Oktober 2009: Internationales und interdisziplinäres Workshop “Junge Ukraine und Junges Deutschland debattieren”, Europaeum der Universität Regensburg.
- Oktober 2010 - Dezember 2016: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen von Prof. Dr. Volker Clausen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- Oktober 2013 - Dezember 2014: World Bank Group Short Term Consultant, Development Research Group (DECRG): Trade and International Integration, Macroeconomics.
- August 2013 - November 2013: Visiting Researcher, Colorado School of Mines, Division of Economics and Business, Golden, USA.
- Oktober 2010 - Oktober 2012: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Ökonometrie von Prof. Dr. Walter Assenmacher, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- Oktober 2009 – September 2010: Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Ökonometrie von Prof. Dr. Walter Assenmacher, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- September 2010: Forschungspraktikum beim Osteuropa-Institut, Arbeitsbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Regensburg
- April 2009 - September 2009: Studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Ökonometrie von Prof. Dr. Walter Assenmacher, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- September 2009 – Oktober 2009: Praktikum beim Osteuropa-Institut, Arbeitsbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Regensburg
- 2004 – 2005: Studentische Hilfskraft in der Abteilung für internationale Beziehungen, Volyner Lessya Ukrainka Nationaluniversität, Ukraine
- Balistreri, E. J.; Olekseyuk, Z.; Tarr, D.: Privatization and the Unusual Case of Belarusian Accession to the WTO. In: The World Economy (2017). doi:10.1111/twec.12520BIB DownloadDetails
- Olekseyuk, Z.; Schürenberg-Frosch, H.: Are Armington Elasticities Different Across Aountries and Sectors? A European Study. In: Economic Modelling (2016) Nr. 55, S. 328-342. VolltextBIB DownloadDetails
- Olekseyuk, Z.: European Integration and Trade Liberalization Modeling Approaches for Eastern European Countries (1). 2015. BIB DownloadDetails
- Olekseyuk, Z.; Balistreri, E.: Trade Liberalization Gains under Different Trade Theories - A Case Study for Ukraine. In: Colorado School of Mines, Division of Economics and Business, Working Paper (2014) Nr. 13. VolltextBIB DownloadDetails
- Olekseyuk, Z.; Schürenberg-Frosch, H.: Are Armington Elasticites Different Across Countries and Sectors? - A European Study, Ruhr Economic Papers, 2014. VolltextBIB DownloadDetails
- Frey, M.; Olekseyuk, Z.: A General Equilibrium Evaluation of the Fiscal Costs of Trade Liberalization in Ukraine. In: Empirica. Journal of European Economics (2014) Nr. 41/3, S. 505-540. doi:10.1007/s10663-014-9249-zVolltextBIB DownloadKurzfassungDetails
The establishment of an Association Agreement/Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (AA/DCFTA) with the European Union (EU) would be the next significant step towards Ukraine’s deeper integration into the world economy. Despite widely expected additional welfare gains, the signing of the AA/DCFTA at the Third Eastern Partnership summit in November 2013 in Vilnius was suspended by the Ukrainian government due to geopolitical concerns and a severe economic and financial crisis in Ukraine coming along with high external debt and a substantial public budget deficit. This puts the fiscal consequences of Ukraine’s continued liberalization into focus, as transition and developing countries face higher fiscal costs associated with trade integration. Accordingly, this paper contributes to the literature by analyzing the part of the potential EU-Ukraine DCFTA which leads to a loss of tariff revenues, namely the tariff elimination. In particular, we apply a static Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model for the single small open economy of Ukraine and focus on the effects of Ukraine’s unilateral tariff elimination by simulating three scenarios reflecting different means to compensate for the loss of tariff revenues. It turns out to be important to take these costs into consideration while modeling trade liberalization, as the results vary significantly across the scenarios.
- Frey, M.; Olekseyuk, Z.: The EU-Ukraine Trade Liberalization - How Much Do the Costs of Tariff Elimination Matter?. In: Osteuropa-Institut Regensburg, Working Paper (2011) Nr. 308. BIB DownloadDetails